A vampire facial is a combination of microneedling and PRP. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from the whole blood after it has been processed by spinning in a centrifuge to remove the red cells. The PRP has a greater concentration of growth factors than the whole blood. And growth factors are what our cells make that can help tissue heal and repair, which means it can help with all sorts of skin issues.

What is PRP?

         Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses your own body's healing abilities to stimulate skin and follicle recovery. It is a natural treatment that uses the platelets from your own blood. These activated platelets secrete and release at least 7 different growth factors which enhance the natural healing process of the skin and hair follicles (if treating the scalp for hair loss).

    During a PRP Therapy treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from you into a sterile tube  (just like when you have a blood test). The tube is placed into a centrifuge and spun to separate the plasma and platelets from the other blood components. The plasma (the yellow serum left at the top of the tube once spun) is then removed from the tube and re-introduced into the body at the site to be treated.

This is done using a small sterile needle or a state of the art fusion device that channels the serum directly into the skin. Once injected the PRP goes to work under the skin, boosting collagen production. It is the production of collagen that will brighten, rejuvenate and rehydrate the skin even after the first treatment. A course of 3-4 treatments are recommended to see and benefit the full effects of this rejuvenating treatment.

If you are looking for the next-generation secret to youthful and glowing skin, book your PRP consultation now.

What can PRP treat?

PRP can treat the skin any area on your body but typically we focus on the face. It has also been shown to help with skin conditions such as acne and rosacea due to its high anti-inflammatory properties.

This procedure helps to:

  • Improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improve your skin texture
  • Reduce the size of the skin pores
  • Improve the appearance of acne scars
  • Improve the plumpness of your skin
  • Give you a youthful glow and smooth skin
  • Improve the effectiveness of skin care products


Is there any down time?

The down time is very minimal. There is some redness immediately post treatment but will have subsided after 1-2 hours.

How long will it take?

Appointments are 1hour. This includes time to take the blood and apply some numbing cream if required.

Does it hurt?

Some patients may experience some mild discomfort during the treatment but this is minimised using the numbing cream.

Hair Restoration Services by PRP HAIR

PRP Therapy is used in hair restoration for natural looking results. With a thin needle, your own Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp. PRP Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state of the art, non-surgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient's own blood. PRP contains active growth factors, which stimulate hair growth and regrowth. The end result is a fuller, healthier looking head of hair that can help to restore one's confidence.



The clinician takes a small blood sample. That sample is then treated in a centrifuge to separate the reparative cells, or platelets, from the other type's blood components, like red blood cells. The PRP has a highly concentrated number of platelets in plasma, which release essential growth proteins. This mix is injected into the scalp using a small, thin needle. It is possible to use PRP Hair Loss Therapy alone to promote hair growth. However we recommend it be used in combination with at home products to enhance the results.


PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma for hair regrowth is an in-office, non-surgical, autologous treatment (derived from the patient's own blood) that can be performed in about 30 minutes. After the area of concern is identified, evaluated and measured, standardized medical photos are taken in the photo suite. Special sterile techniques and equipment are used to separate and concentrate the platelets and plasma from a small sample of peripheral blood. PRP contains growth factors and cytokines that have been shown to stimulate and enhance hair follicle function. Small injections of the PRP deliver the powerful platelet-derived growth factors into the skin at the level of the weak follicles.


At NIRUJAA CLINIC, we focus on two types of hair loss patients when it comes to PRP treatments: chronic hair loss (male and female pattern balding) and acute hair loss (ex: post partum hair loss). In our experience, patients with areas of "weak quality" hair growth on the scalp, where functioning hair follicles can still be observed, are the patients who appear to have the greatest success with PRP hair regrowth treatments. Those with "shiny" bald spots and long standing balding are NOT the best candidates.


Our clinical team has carefully chosen products, which enhance the outcomes of PRP treatments by preparing the scalp for the action of topical serums and PRP injections. They restore volume and strength to existing follicles and prolong the growth phase of the follicle life cycle. In addition, these products promote nutritional exchanges in the hair bulb by increasing scalp circulation and reduce stress hormones and inflammation, which will weaken the follicles.


It can take up to six to twelve months to judge the results of PRP "visually" in the mirror, although most clients begin to notice results at 3 months. Standardized photos will be taken before each PRP Hair Restoration treatment, so improvement can be tracked. After the treatment phase, the average hereditary hair loss patient can expect to need a PRP treatment once every 6-12 months to maintain results.


PRP is a comfortable, in-office, non-surgical procedure that takes about 30 minutes start-to-finish. Most of that time is spent in the preparation phase. Patients typically notice a brief period of inflammation during which their scalp remains somewhat pink and feels some pressure or swelling for a few hours. Hair growth improvements can typically be measured in about three months, but it may take six to twelve months to visually "see" the difference in the mirror.

The main risk of PRP is that your doctor or technicians are using careless or outdated preparation and application equipment or techniques which result in a poor or less than optimal outcome. Patients with certain blood disorders or on certain medications are not candidates for PRP treatments. PRP is immunologically neutral and poses little risk of allergy, hypersensitivity or foreign-body reactions. At our NIRUJAA clinic , we use an unique  system of kits and centrifuges to assist in a consistent quality of preparation of PRP.


According to published reports, PRP tends to improve hair caliber and hair growth for about four to six weeks, requiring repeated treatments once a month for 3 months. On average, however, most patients will require their repeat PRP treatment after 6-12 months in order to maintain the hair growth effects.


There is no activity restriction after a PRP treatment. Patients may shower/shampoo/condition their hair normally just several hours after the treatment and resume normal daily and athletic activities. As mentioned previously, some brief mild inflammation noticeable as redness/pinkness and swelling of the scalp may be present for several hours. No harsh chemical coloring or perming treatments should be performed for at least 72 hours. Use of topical hair growth treatments like Minoxidil or similar can resume the next day.


Patients should be educated by their Hair Restoration Clinician as to what results they could expect from PRP in various areas of the scalp. Different areas of the scalp may respond differently to PRP depending on the amount of weak hair follicles present in each zone. Generally, locations where severe depletion of follicles has occurred should not be treated because the chance of results is so small. The vast majority of healthy individuals can easily undergo PRP treatments. Certain conditions like blood and platelet disorders, chronic liver disease, presence of an active severe infection, cardiovascular or hemodynamic instability and/or the presence of anti-coagulation therapy (e.g. warfarin) would make PRP contraindicated. Recent steroid treatments and smoking are relative contraindications and should be discussed with your Hair Restoration Clinician.


  • Hands-on certification programs and "continuing education" programs teach clinicians the most up-to-date methods of hair loss evaluation and application of PRP for the scalp.

  • Seek out a clinician with experience specifically with PRP for the scalp, because techniques are different for the scalp compared to other areas of the body.


What is a carbon laser facial?

It involves applying a layer of liquid carbon over the face, which penetrates deep into the pores. A laser blasts the carbon away, with the light highly attracted to carbon particles.

It's claimed the carbon absorbs contaminants, and when the laser destroys the carbon it gets rid of these too. The laser is also said to remove dead skin cells, blackheads and oil.

The process is meant to exfoliate the skin, supposedly reducing pore size, evening out skin tone as well as making the skin softer and appear more radiant.

The facial is said to be particularly beneficial for people with oily skin, as it is reduces acne-causing bacteria and shrinks sebaceous, or oil, glands.

What are the benefits of the charcoal peel rejuvenation?

According to the NIRUJAA CLINIC, which offers the treatment, there are many benefits.

"The laser treatment is suitable for all ages and can lighten age spots and dark spots, fade freckles, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, shrink pores, and remove blackheads and acne. "It can also lift and tighten the skin, improve elasticity, moisturise and give a bright and radiant complexion."

Celebrities are said to be fans of the treatment.

As the laser penetrates the deep layers of the skin, it is meant to stimulate collagen production, meaning firmer, more youthful looking skin.

The benefits of the treatment are said to include:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • Tightens dilated pores

  • Reduces acne, scars and post acne discoloration

  • Removes dead skin cells from the superficial epidermal layer

  • Stimulates collagen growth

  • Improves skin texture

  • Clears pores to help reduce blackheads and whiteheads

Which celebrities use them?

A-listers Kim Kardashian, who is also a fan of the vampire facial, is said to get a carbon laser facial. Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston, both exes of Brad Pitt, are reported to have them done.


IPL stands for intense pulsed light. It's a type of light therapy used to treat wrinkles, spots, and unwanted hair.

You can use IPL to minimize or remove:

  • age spots

  • sun damage

  • freckles

  • birthmarks

  • broken blood vessels on your face

  • rosacea

  • hair on your face, neck, back, chest, legs, underarms, or bikini line

The difference between IPL and laser treatment

IPL is similar to a laser treatment. However, a laser focuses just one wavelength of light at your skin, while IPL releases light of many different wavelengths, like a photo flash.

The light from IPL is more scattered and less focused than a laser. IPL penetrates down to the second layer of your skin (dermis) without harming the top layer (epidermis), so it causes less damage to your skin.

Pigment cells in your skin absorb the light energy, which is converted into heat. The heat destroys the unwanted pigment to clear up freckles and other spots. Or, it destroys the hair follicle to prevent the hair from growing again.

You can use IPL anywhere on your body, but it may not work as well on uneven areas. It isn't recommended for people who tend to get thick, raised keloid scars or who have darker skin tones. It's also not as effective on light-colored hair as it is on darker hair.

How to prepare

Before your IPL procedure, your skin care specialist will examine your skin and let you know what to expect. Let them know if you have any skin conditions that might affect healing after your treatment, such as inflammatory acne or eczema.

Your skin care specialist may recommend that you avoid certain activities, medications, and other products for two weeks prior your procedure.

You should avoid

  • direct sunlight

  • tanning beds

  • waxing

  • chemical peels

  • collagen injections

  • drugs that increase your bleeding risk, such as aspirin (Ecotrin) and ibuprofen (Advil)

  • creams or other products that contain vitamin A, such as RetinA, or glycolic acid


High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening that some consider a noninvasive and painless replacement for face lifts. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin. So, HIFU is the best way to treat wrinkles by non-surgical and non-chemicals in a very organic way.

HIFU is a breakthrough in non-surgical treatment. Through stimulating collagen in deeper skin layer by ultrasonic wave, the effects of face lifting and skin rejuvenating will be achieved. The improvement of ocular region includes eyebrow lifting, eyelid ptosis reduction, crow's feet smoothing. The eyes will be brimming with radiating vigor. Face sagging shall be prevented and the sign of aging from wing of nose to corners of mouth, to mandibular wrinkles shall be improved. Moreover, the jaw line will become obvious and skin will be improved. The main treatment area of HIFU is facial part and neck.

It has wonderful treatment result on tightening skin and removing wrinkles. The cheeks shall be effectively lifted and tightened; jaw lines shall be improved and become more beautiful. The annoying forehead wrinkles, nasolabial folds and crow's feet wrinkles shall be removed. Thermal energy of HIFU brings two effects: one is visible effects of immediate contraction of collagen and SMAS during treatment; the other is the long term regeneration of collagen after tissue is heated. Different patients with different physiques have different reactions to the treatment. Time is needed for muscle building by newly produced collagen.

With High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), the device focuses the ultrasonic wave on a single point to produce high energy, which acting on SMAS. The SMAS layer will be contracted and lifting effects achieved.

HIFU Treatment Scope

  • Remove wrinkles on around forehead, eyes, mouth, etc.

  • Lift and tighten both cheeks skin.

  • Improve skin elasticity and shaping contour.

  • Improve jaw line, reducing "marionette lines"

  • Tighten the skin tissue on forehead, lifting the eyebrows lines.

  • Improve skin complexion, making the skin delicate and bright

  • Match with injecting beauty like Hyaluronic acid, collagen, to resolve more aging problem

  • Remove neck wrinkles, protecting neck aging.



Cryolipolysis, also known as "fat freezing" or by the product name CoolSculpting, is a new procedure that involves the non-invasive cooling of body fat to break down fat cells, resulting in a reduction of body fat without damage to other tissues. The effect takes several months to be seen. So, it goes in session by session to get the desire result. It's one of easy way to reduce excess fat without hurting bones.

During the procedure:

  • A vacuum applicator is placed on the skin to bring it into contact with cooling panels.

  • Patients feel a cold sensation for a few minutes, as it produces an anesthetic effect.

  • The fat is cooled for up to an hour.

Why choose cryolipolysis for excess fat

  • Ideal candidates are relatively fit but have small amounts of stubborn body fat that cannot be easily reduced by diet or exercise.

  • The procedure is non-invasive.

  • Ideal clients for bone problems where exercises is bit scary

  • There are no long-term or significant side effects.

  • Anesthesia and pain medication are not needed.

  • The procedure is ideal for the abdomen, love handles and the back.

What to expect after the procedure

  • Cryolipolysis has no recovery time; patients can resume their normal activities the same day.

  • Cryolipolysis therapy typically requires multiple treatment sessions.

  • Patients will observes a visible decrease in fat bulges in two to four months.

Possible risks

  • Redness in the treated area lasting no more than a few hours.

  • Localized bruising that usually clears within a few hours.


Laser tattoo removal is a revolutionary treatment that helps to remove and fade unwanted tattoos with minimal complications following the treatment and optimum results. It is a safe and effective treatment to remove undesirable


Laser emits the energy that causes the tattoo particles to heat up and break down these tattoo particles into tiny fragments. Then within a period of 8-12 weeks, the scavenger cells of body 'mop up' these tiny fragments causes the tattoo to gradually fade over the time. Amateur tattoos generally respond more quickly to the procedure as compared to professional tattoos. Professional tattoos are more difficult to remove completely from the skin because the ink tends to be deeper in the skin. Bright colours which are being used for professional tattoos are difficult to remove as they do not absorb the energy. They usually take longer time to break down and need more treatments to completely remove the tattoo than black, blue and red colours in amateur tattoos.

Correct assessment of your tattoo including its colour, depth and location, along with correctly assessing your skin type. Skin Type is an important to consider because while most tattoos can be treated in 3-6 treatments, and some tattoos may require more or less treatments such as:

  • Some colours, such as red, orange and yellow, will require additional treatments.

  • Tattoos where the ink is deeply set within the skin will also require additional treatments.

  • Amateur tattoos will often require less treatments than professional tattoos

  • Tattoos located in areas with poor blood flow may also require more treatments.


  • Do not expose the treatment area to the sun throughout your treatment plan.

  • Do not have any laser, Microhydroabrasion or other skin treatments in the area for minimum 2 weeks prior to your laser tattoo removal treatment.

  • Ensure that any fake tan, body moisturizer, makeup, deodorants or perfumes have been thoroughly removed as these can impact your results.

  • Do not apply numbing creams or gels to the area because use of these products will give negative impact on your treatment results. Laser Tattoo Removal Cost in Delhi is quite affordable, consult Nirujaa Clinic for cost-effective solution.

What will laser tattoo removal feel like?

Most people feel some pain during the treatment, which they describe as being like 'a warm elastic band hitting your skin'. They will feel discomfort immediatly after the procedure because the treated area will be red, slightly elevated and the skin will have a frosted appearance but these side effects will settle down quickly. There may also be some minor bleeding from the area, but this will heal by own and there should be no further problems. Patients need between 4 to 12 treatment sessions to remove an unwanted tattoo and for the good results approximately 4-6 weeks apart.


  • A dressing may be applied to the treatment area to prevent the area from rubbing on clothing; this dressing should be removed the night of your treatment.

  • It is recommended to wear loose clothing the day of your appointment and during the healing process.

  • Doctor prescribed ointment must be applied for a minimum of 7 days post laser treatment.

  • SPF must be applied to all treatment areas and sun exposure must be avoided at all times while undergoing treatments.

  • Avoid excessive physical activity, hot showers, pools, spas and saunas for up to 72 hours post treatment.

  • Icing the area for a minimum of 10mins every 30-40mins for the remainder of the day after your treatment will reduce the risk of blistering post treatment. Should a blister occur do not break the skin and allow it to heal naturally, any interference with the healing process can lead to scaring.

  • To reduce this risk it is important that you do not pick, scratch or aggravate the area as removing a scab or blister can increase your risk of developing a scar.

We provide a range of non-surgical facial aesthetic treatments, chosen specifically to enhance your natural features and make you appear more rejuvenated. Our treatments include softening wrinkles, restoring the natural fullness of lips and addressing asymmetries in facial features. Please contact us for more information and to arrange a consultation.

Our Mission

At NIRUJAA CLINIC, we strive to develop long-term relationships with our patients in a friendly environment. Our aesthetic professionals continue to seek education and training on the latest research-proven products and minimally invasive procedures. Our ultimate goal is to offer a natural aesthetic to enhance our patients' own beauty. We look forward to earning your trust.

Phone: +91 8794260671

Hours: 7am- 10am & 4pm-8pm

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