

  • A dental implant is a small screw which is placed into the bone where a tooth is missing to provide the most stable and long-lasting platform for the replacement of the missing teeth. Titanium dental implants were first used forty years ago. Over that period of time there has been a very large amount of research to show that they work extremely effectively and reliably, and in most situations, are the best possible replacement for missing teeth.

Why You'll Love Your Dental Implants

  • Easy to Care For - You don't need to do anything special to care for your dental implant. Just brush and floss normally, and visit Nirujaa Clinic regularly for teeth cleanings and exams. That's it!
  • Long-Lasting - Dental implants are a great investment, usually lasting for 30 or more years, twice as long as other restorations. With proper oral hygiene, dental implants can last for the rest of your life.
  • Looks & Feels Natural - Dental implants are custom made to match the appearance and function of your natural teeth. You'll be able to eat and speak naturally and won't feel self-conscious about your smile.
  • Designed For Your Health - Titanium and zirconium implants encourage the growth of healthy bone and gum tissue.


                                       · IN HOUSE CBCT MACHINE

                                       · FOLLOW INTERNATIONAL PROTOCOL

                                       · QUALIFIED IMPLANTOLOGIST

                                       · PROPER STERILIZATION PROTOCOL

                                       · INTRA ORAL SCANNER FOR PERFECT PROSTHETIC



How long have dental implants been available in the NIRUJAA CLINIC?

Although modern implantology began in Sweden in the late 60s, popularity really grew throughout INDIA. The team at NIRUJAA Clinic has been placing dental implants since 2017.

Am I too old for dental implants?

No. Any person at any age can have dental implants as long as there is enough bone available in which to place the dental implants. If there is not enough bone, extra bone can often be grafted using your own bone or artificial bone.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Your new dental implant will look and feel like natural.

With dental implants you will have more confidence to smile and even be able to bite an apple!

Dental implants can replace a removable denture with fixed teeth.

Dental implants stop your gums and bone from shrinking which reduces the ageing effect caused by losing teeth.

Will I be left without teeth during treatment?

We understand it can be embarrassing for patients to be without their teeth. During the treatment we will do all we can to help you smile confidently and that nobody will know you have a gap. If you do need to be without teeth to allow initial healing, this will be clearly explained to you before treatment commences.

Is dental implant surgery painful?

We work closely with our patients to ensure that they feel no discomfort during the placement of the dental implant. This is through using an effective local anesthetic. Post-operatively we supply painkillers to ensure that our patients remain comfortable. We also offer sedation if you are nervous or do not want to be aware of what is happening during treatment.

How long does the treatment take?

For routine cases treatment time is usually ten to twelve weeks. More complex cases can take longer. For instance, when there is sufficient bone, treatment time is shortened and when there is insufficient bone, treatment time can be increased. Your specific treatment schedule will be explained to you during your consultation.

Can dental implants preserve bone?

Yes, they can, and once dental implants have been placed the bone can even become stronger.

Would I need to do anything prior to treatment?

Yes. As part of our consultation we will screen your gums, bone and teeth for any infections. Prior to implant placement your remaining teeth and gums need to be healthy. We will offer any additional treatment to ensure that your mouth is healthy prior having implants. If you have been referred by your dentist then you can return to your normal practice to have any necessary pre-implant treatment.

What if I am nervous about treatment?

Some of our patients prefer to have the dental implants placed under sedation. A sedative can be carefully administered to relax you during the treatment and ensure that you remember nothing about it afterwards.

How often will I need to have my dental implants checked?

It is essential that you continue to see your own dentist and your hygienist for regular check-ups. Clinical studies have shown that a yearly review with your implantologist is best for the longevity of your implants. Some patients need more detailed maintenance; this will be explained prior the commencement of your treatment. Implants last longer with fewer complications when they are regularly maintained.

A beautiful and healthy smile and a high-quality dental care experience starts at Nirujaa Clinic, malom bazar!

Phone: +91 8794260671

Hours: 7am- 10am & 4pm-8pm

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