basic dental clinic

Everything You Need Under One Roof :

                                     COMPOSITE FILLINGS /WHITE FILLINGS
                                     ROOT CANALS
                                     WISDOM TEETH/ THIRD MOLAR
                                     VENNERS & LAMINATES
                                     RPD/ DENTURES
                                     SCALING & POLISHING

                                     KIDS DENTISTRY

COMPOSITE FILLINGS (WHITE FILLINGS): Natural & Healthy Restorations

Damage or decayed teeth are often the vital sign that a dental filling is needed. Composite filling are a tooth coloured filling that we offer here in Nirujaa Clinic. Considerably less noticeable than traditional metal filling, Composite fillings provide a natural look to restore your smile to its natural beauty. They are almost entirely undetectable to the human eye when done correctly, they are durable, and they look great. You'll be able to smile with confidence.

How are Composite fillings placed?

Composite fillings are usually placed in one appointment. The dentist will remove decay as necessary. The space will then be thoroughly cleaned and carefully prepared before the new filling is placed. The Composite filling will then be precisely...

In our Nirujaa Clinic, we used high magnification loop(TTL ), high end materials with latest tech to match original natural look and last long.

Your Composite Fillings Will Be...


Root canal treatment is the treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or become infected. Unfortunately, almost everyone have the risk of tooth decay due to wrong brushing technique, food habits and the bacteria in mouth all contribute to the tooth decay or damage . When the tooth nerve is damaged, it breaks down and bacteria begin to multiply within the tooth. The bacteria and other decay debris can cause infection and spreads all the way to end of the root of tooth. This will lead to severe tooth pain and swelling.

During root canal procedure, the internal part which is inside the tooth is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed.

Root canal treatment has gone high -tech recently, we provided all the advance technology for our patient to have a complete successful root canal treatment. Nickel Titanium files which are more flexible with less breakage, during cleaning procedure are used. New high torque motors hand pieces and ultrasonic instrument of the better cleaning and save the root canal with lesser time and microscope used mostly during complex dental treatment which allows seeing deep within the root canal for improve removal of infection. we also have digital x- ray not only produce less radiation but are developed immediately Lessing time you spend in the dental treatment.

In our Nirujaa Clinic, we do 3D obturation using latest equipments. With a high-tech approach and extra attention to your comfort, we'll take care of your infected tooth and restore its health.

                                                                         Your RCT Will Be...


A dental prosthesis concerned with the replacement and or a restoration of teeth by artificial substitutes that are not readily removed from the mouth. They are commonly referred to as 'bridges' and cannot be removed by the patient.

Fixed partial denture can be used to restore or replace single or multiple teeth, spanning areas where teeth have been lost. Fixed prosthesis is superior in strength and ability to create an aesthetic looking tooth capable of directing maximum forces, protect and preserve the remaining structures when compare to removable prosthesis.

Fixed partial denture prosthesis cannot be used in complete teeth missing. It depend on the extent on the tooth missing (maximum 2 or 3) , orientation , location and condition of the neighboring teeth, as the preparation involves the removal of significant amount of neighboring tooth structure for providing attachment and support for the prosthesis.


 Your FPD Will Be


The Easy Way to Fix Stained

Your smile is instrumental in making a great first impression. If you feel embarrassed by your smile we offer have a variety of solutions. One of the solutions is being laminates & veneers. This cosmetic dental procedure will amazingly transform your smile. Dental veneers are thin porcelain and durable shells that attach to the front of your teeth, hiding cracks, chip, stains and gap. Veneers can improve the aesthetics of a smile and protect the tooth surface from damage. They are made individually to fit your teeth and correct the problem being addressed. Whereas a laminate on the other hand are thin layer of filling material placed only over the visible part of the tooth and the overall aesthetics of the smile.

Whereas the process of getting laminate can be done in one appointment. After we prepared your teeth, a high quality filling material is placed on the prepared tooth structure, which is then shaped, hardened and becomes chemically bonded to the tooth surface it is covering. Then the tooth is polished to a high shine. If you're ready to put your best smile forward, it's time to consider veneers & laminates.

Veneers and laminates are...

A great benefit with veneers and laminate is that there's very little to no downtime after treatment. Patients can resume their normal activities after the appointment. But we recommend you practice good oral hygiene daily. It's essential to continue to brush and floss twice a day, along with keeping your dental checkups.

Our goal is to develop relationships with our patients, and it shows. From the moment you walk through our doors, we'll make sure you feel happy, relaxed, and confident in the care you're receiving.


A tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure performed by a dentist. In some cases pulling teeth (removing a tooth completely from its spot in the jaw bone), may be necessary to preserve or improve your dental health.Some of the reasons for tooth extraction include:

1. Pulling teeth for orthodontics treatment: Preparation for orthodontia (braces and retainers) often involves pulling one tooth or a few teeth

2. Pulling teeth to save spaces:Wisdom teeth are mostly extracted as there is no space for them in the mouth, or if they become impacted or infected

3. Pulling tooth due to damage or decay:Tooth extraction may be the only option if a tooth is too decayed or damaged to be repaired with a filling or crown

4. Pulling tooth for chemotherapy or radiation treatment done: If radiation or chemotherapy to the head and neck causes teeth to become infected, pulling teeth may be necessary

Tooth Extraction Procedure:

When you undergo a tooth extraction procedure, your dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic. You may also receive an anti-anxiety medication or an intravenous sedative. If the dental extraction involves an impacted tooth, the tooth may be broken into pieces before it is removed.Pulling teeth falls into two basic categories: simple and surgical. Here's what to expect from each

1. Simple: A simple tooth extraction involves the removal of a tooth that is visible in the mouth. This could mean removing a badly damaged or decayed tooth, or removing teeth prior to getting braces. General dentists can do simple tooth extractions. When you undergo simple tooth extraction, you will receive local anesthesia. In addition, some dental professionals administer anti-anxiety medication or use conscious sedation for simple cases of pulling teeth. In most cases, over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient for pain management after these procedures.

2. Surgical tooth extraction is an operation by an oral surgeon involving removal of teeth that are not visible in the mouth, because they have not come in or because the tooth has broken off. Individuals with special medical conditions may receive general anesthesia when pulling teeth involving surgery. You may also receive prescription pain medication for use immediately after surgical teeth-pulling procedure

*Tooth extraction recovery and healing:

After any type of tooth extraction, be sure to follow your dental professional's instructions for oral care, including the following tip

1. Eat soft diet: Stick primarily to liquids until any anesthesia wears off, and then limit your diet to soft foods for the first few days after a tooth extraction

2. Regarding your hygiene: Don't brush the teeth immediately next to the area of tooth extraction on the first day after the procedure, but do brush the rest of your teeth. Two days after a tooth extraction, get back to good oral hygiene routine.


Teeth whitening are by far the most popular cosmetic dental procedure. Dental Whitening procedures fit within almost any budget and the results are quick. There is a difference between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching. Whitening means to brighten your teeth by polishing away stains caused by foods and beverages (berries, coffee, wine, tea, etc).Bleaching refers to lightening a tooth from the inside-out using peroxide. Bleaching brightens the inside (dentin) of the tooth, thereby making the whole natural tooth whiter.

At your whitening appointment, we'll place protective barriers and coatings on your lips, cheeks, and gums so that the strong peroxide only contacts your teeth. After two or three cycles of the peroxide gel, your teeth will get shades whiter in just one hour. It takes an average of 3 in-office dental whitening procedures to get your teeth to the whitest shade your teeth can attain. This system is great for people who prefer to not wear trays or strips for an hour every day.

How long do whitening results last?

The best answer to this question is: it depends. Some people smoke.  Our clinic provides, safe, controlled, and pain-free laser teeth whitening options for you. The very best part is that the results are almost visible instantly. If you have been considering whitening your teeth, laser teeth whitening is by far the unrivaled treatment option. Some people drink coffee, tea, red wine every day. Some people drink only an occasional coffee drink. These foods, beverages, and habits will stain your teeth. So, if you never do things that stain your teeth, then your whitening results will last a long time. If you do, the results will more quickly fade over time. It is normal to experience tooth sensitivity during the time you are whitening your teeth, but it will subside shortly after you have stopped bleaching.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

You'll love our in-office whitening treatments. We start by creating whitening trays that are custom made just for you.

They'll fit comfortably and snugly. Then they'll be filled with a concentrated 35% whitening gel to improve the brightness of your smile. Treatments take about an hour to complete and are completely non-invasive.


In addition to fast results, LASER TEETH WHITENING is the safest form of bleaching because a dentist performs it. Teeth whitening and teeth bleaching can help if you're suffering from stained teeth. Don't feel embarrassed or let it affect your confidence!

Tooth discoloration is completely normal and is often the result of factors like the foods you eat, the medications you take, and the natural aging process. Still, yellow and stained teeth can make you feel self-conscious, and no one wants that!

If you think your stained teeth are beyond help, think again. We can light up your beautiful smile and help you regain confidence in its appearance. Through high-tech, modern treatments and techniques, we're proud to offer you safe and effective teeth whitening services that really work.

You'll see an immediate improvement in your smile - often going up a full shade of whiteness in just one appointment.


Getting your teeth checked and cleaned by a dentist is an important part of your oral hygiene routine. Besides keeping your gums and teeth healthy, your dentist can also detect problems such as gum disease or cavities, and rectify them before they worsen.

A cleaning routine usually involves two procedures: scaling and polishing.


As we eat and drink, food and bacteria may accumulate in our teeth, which eventually become dental plaque. Over time, the dental plaque may calcify and harden to form tartar. While regular brushing and flossing may remove some plaque, they cannot remove tartar. It will have to be removed by a dentist via a procedure called scaling.

Scaling involves the use of a specialized instrument to loosen and remove plaque and tartar without damaging your gums and teeth.


Usually done after scaling, polishing removes surface stains while making your teeth smooth and shiny. Your dentist will use another instrument, along with a special paste, to polish your teeth.

Depending on your oral health, you may need to get your teeth cleaned every six months. If you are due for your regular cleaning, send us an enquiry or make an appointment.

As children get older they become more aware of their smile. An unattractive smile is often embarrassing for kids and it can stop them from fully expressing themselves. We provide complete restorative procedures including tooth colored filling, crowns for anterior (front) teeth and stainless steel crowns and many more.

Preventive AND Diagnostic FOR KIDS

Comprehensive and Oral Evaluation :

An oral evaluation is recommended every six (6) months to prevent cavities and other dental problems. During an oral evaluation, a thorough examination of the mouth, head, and neck is performed to detect abnormalities.


Fluoride is a natural mineral that builds strong teeth and prevents cavities. It's been an essential oral health treatment for decades. Fluoride supports healthy tooth enamel and fights the bacteria that harm teeth and gums. Tooth enamel is the outer protective layer of each tooth.

What happen during a fluoride treatment?

Dentists provide professional fluoride treatments in the form of a highly concentrated rinse, foam, gel, or varnish. The treatment may be applied with a swab, brush, tray, or mouthwash.

These treatments have much more fluoride than what's in your water or toothpaste. They only take a few minutes to apply. You may be asked to avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes after the treatment so the fluoride can fully absorb.

Always give your dentist your full health history so they can choose the right treatments for you.


Dental sealants are made of a safe resin material which is applied to the surfaces of teeth (commonly permanent molars) to prevent cavities. The sealant material fills in the crevices of a tooth and "seals" off the tooth from cavity-causing agents like food and plaque. The teeth are prepared for the sealant application and the sealant is painted directly onto the chewing surface of each tooth and then hardens. Sealants are applied in one visit. Dental Sealants are safe and effective and they have been safe and effective for over 40 years.


Silver Diamine Fluoride, (SDF) recently approved by the FDA does a great job of stopping tooth decay from progressing and getting worse. Silver Diamine Fluoride is an antimicrobial liquid that is able to treat cavities in a non-invasive, fast, affordable, and painless manner. SDF is an antimicrobial liquid which has been proven to be effective in arresting. It has been used in Japan, Australia and a number of other countries for decades as an alternative to other conventional treatments for cavities.

Benefits of SDF

SDF is a simple and painless alternative for preserving your child's baby teeth. The application is painless and quick. It is simply brushed onto the teeth. It prevents the need for drilling and filling most cavities. It is effective immediately and long lasting. It is an inexpensive treatment that can save money down the road by preventing larger problems with your child's teeth.


Pulp Treatment

( Pulpectomy/ Pulpotomy/ Baby Root Canal)

Pulpectomy is a procedure to remove all the pulp from the crown and roots of a tooth. Pulp is the soft inner material that contains connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves.

Pulpectomy is usually performed in children to save a severely infected baby (primary) tooth, and is sometimes called a "baby root canal."

When is Pulpectomy needed?

Pulpectomy is used to save a baby tooth that has been severely damaged by decayed or trauma.While baby teeth may not seem important enough for a dental procedure like this, there are valid reasons for pulpectomy.

The baby tooth is reserving a space for the permanent tooth. Premature loss of a baby tooth can cause problems like:

  • difficulty chewing
  • speech development issues
  • having adjoining teeth move into the space, affecting the alignment of permanent teeth (this can lead to crooked, overcrowded teeth that are difficult to clean)

Material used to fill the tooth after a pulpectomy is designed to be reabsorbed by the body when the permanent tooth begins to erupt.

PEDO Dental Crown

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped covering cemented to the tooth for the purpose of restoring the tooth to its original shape and function. Crowns are used in pediatric dentistry for various reasons. Crowns are recommended by dentists when it is necessary repair and restore a primary (baby) tooth found to be extensively decayed (has a large cavity), a tooth that have had treatment to its nerve (pulpectomy), a tooth fractured due to trauma, or a primary tooth which has not developed correctly.

Stainless Steel Crowns for KID:

  • Are by far the most commonly used crowns in pediatric dentistry-they are tried and true, and have been used in dentistry for over 50 years.
  • Are made as metal shells of varying sizes, and can be customized to fit any tooth
  • Are perfect for molars (teeth towards the back of the mouth), as they are durable, strong, and resistant to moisture
  • Are useful when there is decay between the teeth
  • Are easy to place and generally require only one visit to the dentist
  • Are cost-effective-stainless steel crowns are the least expensive crowns available.
  • Performed in a single office visit.

A beautiful and healthy smile and a high-quality dental care experience starts at Nirujaa Clinic, malom bazar!

Why people should come to our clinic?????

Too many people mistakenly believe that they need to see a dentist only if they are in pain or think something is wrong, but they are missing the bigger picture. A dental visit means being examined by doctor of oral health capable of diagnosing and treating condition. Nirujaa clinic provide the team approach to dentistry with team include dental assistant, lab technicians and dental hygienist lead with well experience doctors with all recent advance technology to diagnose and treating conditions that can range from routine to extremely complex cases.

Phone: +91 8794260671

Hours: 7am- 10am & 4pm-8pm

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